Simply Assertive Workshop 27/11/14

“Assertiveness is not what you do, it’s who you are.”  Shakti Gawain

The aim of this course is to enable delegates to have a greater self confidence in difficult situations and feel able to express their opinion by:imagesCAZUFJX1

  • Understanding differences between assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours
  • Feel confident to ask for what they want and express their opinion
  • Expressing their opinion clearly and with confidence

Those who are truly assertive believe not only in the validity of their own views and requests but also of the views and requests of others. Therefore this half-day session will focus on an exploration what an assertive attitude is and how it will influence behaviour. This will be achieved through a blend of case study and situation-based discussion to share knowledge and skills, tutor input, paired work and practise of assertive behaviours.

For more information, or to book a place please visit:

Beginners Guide to Imaging for Scientists

About the course: This is a 10-week course delivered entirely on-line within Learn. It will give students a basic understanding of the history of Imaging, imaging modalities (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Light Microscopy, PET and SPECT) as well as outlining how images are processed and manipulated. A brief guide on how images are processed and the analysis of the data will also be given, to assist with the most common types of image analysis that might be needed for Masters or PhD research projects.

This self-paced, online course, is an excellent introduction to all imaging modalities for those embarking on their first research project and is open to all University of Edinburgh postgraduate students.

Target audience: It is aimed mainly at students undertaking projects (at either Masters or PhD level) in the College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine (particularly those involving in-vivo imaging), but it may be of more general interest to scientists, engineers and physicists – and we welcome participants from any discipline, although the examples used will tend to reflect the course tutors background in medical imaging and veterinary medicine. The principles taught, however, are universal!

Time commitment: 4-8 hours per week

How to book:

More information on all the online courses offered by Edinburgh Imaging, whether MSc, PPD or CPD is available on their website and PhD students may also be interested to note that they can gain access to the online learning materials for any of the short courses, for £15 per 10 credit course. Simply book through –

Writing Workshops for PhD Students

The Institute for Academic Development offer a range of writing workshops for your PhD, from getting started to writing up, designed to meet the complex demands of academic writing. These are a mixture of group workshops, 1-1 sessions and an online eWriting course.

An example of the workshops we run include: