Checklist for Academics and Researchers – Online Presence

Academics and researchers often want to disseminate research findings, promote publications, engage with others in the field, and highlight conferences (and more) but where do you start?

Creating an effective online presence can be challenging. The first step is to create a strategy and identify 1) who your audience is likely to be, 2) what you want to tell your audience, 3) what the best platform is 4) and how you will evaluate the effectiveness.

What else do you need to do? This checklist highlights a few considerations:

Creating an effective online presence (checklist)

  • Map out who your audience(s) are, what your purpose is, the best platform(s) and how you are going to evaluate the impact
  • Set goals (measurements for impact)
  • Update PURE (if applicable)DF_cmyk_maxquality
  • Get an ORCID ID
  • Brand You: name, image, updated profile(s) for all online presences
  • Delete old/unwanted online presences
  • Link profiles together (if appropriate)
  • Personal vs professional – make it clear!
  • Appropriate images (creative commons/copyright)
  • Add details to your email signature
  • Do you need a page to promote your presences – School website?
  • Evaluate your online presence and modify/update where needed
  • Consider your digital footprint and create an effective online presence

Further information, workshops and resources can be found on the Digital Footprint Service website

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